
Is it cheaper booking online?
  • On our site, you will find a series of offers cheaper than the official rate on Booking or Expedia. You could save more than 15%.
How far in advance do I have to book?
As soon as you have planned your trip! We sometimes have last-minute availability, but in general, early booking is more advantageous.
What time is check in?
Check-in is officially from 15:00. Earlier check-in is subject to room availability. For this reason, the only way to guarantee early check-in is to book the room from the day prior to arrival. If it is not possible to check-in earlier than 15:00, our guests may leave luggage with our Front Office team at the reception area.
What time is check out?
Check-out is 11:00 a.m. If you plan a late check out kindly let us know your departure time, we’ll our best to satisfy your needs.
Is Reception open 24 hours?
Yes, Reception service is available 24 hours.
Does the hotel have a car park and is it included in the rate?
We are pleased to confirm parking is available and included in the rate.
Which is the nearest airport?
The nearest airport is the "Capodichino" Naples International Airport, which is located around 8 km away.
Is there a hotel shuttle service to/from the airport?
Available on request. Contact us to book private taxi.
Which is the nearest train station?
The nearest railway station is "Herculaneum Circumvesuviana" only 2 km away from the hotel.
Is there a hotel shuttle service to/from the station?
Available on request. Contact us to book FREE shuttle transfer!
Is the use of the pool included in the room rate?
Certainly. Every customer can have free access to the pool without incurring any costs. The Service starts on the 1st of May until the 31st of October. Hours of use range from 9.30 to 18.15 in the evening.
What does our "no show" policy entail?
If you do not show on the day of your booking, you will be charged the full amount for your first night's stay.
Is internet access available?
Yes, our guests have complimentary access to our hotel’s Wi-Fi
What time does breakfast stop?
Breakfast is served in Restaurant on our ground floor from 07:30 – 10:00